Deep Thoughts

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Our bundle of joy

Please join in me in welcoming our little bundle of joy - Laila (pronounced Lye-lah)!

We adopted her from a shelter and she traveled all the way from Tennessee to be with us. She has been with us a week now and is absolutely adorable. This little girl is about 4.5 months old and is already 35 lbs. - Yup, she will be a big dog! She is a Golden Retriever/Great Pyrenees mix.

She is the first pet that my husband and I have ever had (translation - any advice regarding bringing up puppies is very welcome) and we are both nervous, excited and overjoyed at the same time :). She loves people and is a complete charmer in the neighborhood. It is so amazing - we have talked to more people in our neighborhood in the last week than we have in the previous 11 months!

Filed in:

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Flight One Zero Two Alpha Charlie

Last evening I was aboard the above-mentioned flight One Zero Two Alpha Charlie. The best part - the pilot was my hubby! Honestly, a day like this was beyond my wildest imaginations! I was speechless for most of the flight, just too awestruck to say anything :)

It all started last year when hubby started taking lessons towards a private pilot course. He is now a little more than half way done through the requirements. So yesterday, when the weather seemed calm and clear, he invited me to come along with no promises of what to expect. His instructor was kind enough to let me tag along for the flight. And boy, was it fun!!

Here are some pictures:

Pre Flight

Soon after take-off

The setting sun

We finished the evening with some excellent middle-eastern food at El-Basha and followed it up with some coconut cake!

Thanks sweetheart for this special evening!!

So, what next?
I can't wait until hubby completes his flying requirements and takes all exams to get his private pilot license. Then, we can fly (by ourselves) to some place fun like Cape Cod or Martha's Vineyard or who knows where!